Tuesday, March 20, 2007

What next from Mitt?

[from the Boston Globe, March 20, 2007]
By Brian McGrory

Now that Mitt Romney has flip-flopped on, deep breath here, abortion rights, gay rights, gun control, immigration policy, and campaign finance reform, what's left to reverse? Maybe this:

July 20, 2007

DES MOINES -- Trailing by double-digit margins in the polls to thrice-married Rudolph Giuliani and twice-married John McCain, presidential candidate Mitt Romney announced yesterday that he was seeking a divorce from his longtime wife, Ann.

"Where's my sweetheart?" Romney asked at the beginning of a speech to an overflowing crowd of supporters in this, the first caucus state. "Come on up here, Ann."

When Ann Romney arrived on stage, Romney said, "Can you believe we've been married 38 years?"

Then he added: "That's long enough. Tomorrow, I'm filing for divorce."

Leaving the podium at the end of the event, Romney was heard to tell an aide, "Let's see which way the divorcee vote breaks now."

Sept. 30, 2007

GREENVILLE, S.C. -- With the public rallying around Rudy Giuliani in his public estrangement from his son, Mitt Romney called a press conference to announce that he had severed all ties to his five boys.

Asked why, Romney glanced quizzically at an aide standing in the wings, then told the mob of reporters, "Um, because."

When pressed on what had always appeared to be his closeness to his sons, Romney responded, "Our relationship has evolved."

Dec. 5, 2007

MANCHESTER, N.H. -- Presidential candidate Mitt Romney denied ever being governor of Massachusetts, telling supporters at a private fund-raiser: "Check the records. I was never there."

Jan. 20, 2008

CONCORD, N.H. -- Bested by John McCain in the first-in-the-nation primary here, Mitt Romney arrived at a press conference with the use of a walker and the aid of a healthcare worker and announced, "I'm not as young as I used to be."

Jan. 28, 2008

MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. -- Fading presidential candidate Mitt Romney got rip-roaring drunk at a local Hooters on the eve of the pivotal South Carolina primary.

Later that night, Romney appeared before reporters while gulping a Bud longneck and puffing on an unfiltered Pall Mall and announced: "I love NASCAR racing. The only reason I'm running for president is to make it an Olympic sport."

Told by a member of the news media that the president has no authority over the Olympics, Romney responded, "Whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you."

Feb. 1, 2008

NEW YORK -- Former governor Mitt Romney, whose once bright political star has faded into a haze of contorted issue positions, cheap booze, loose women, and profanity-laced speeches, announced that he is converting from Mormonism to Judaism.

"I am, at heart, a Jewish man," Romney said, several days ahead of the critical New York primary. The proclamation came one day after he told a small crowd of yogis in California that he was forgoing his Mormon beliefs to pursue Eastern spirituality.

Feb. 6, 2008

BOSTON -- Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney withdrew from the presidential race with a rousing speech declaring his respect for gays as well as straights, his belief that abortion laws should remain unchanged, his disdain for guns that plague urban centers, and his tolerance for struggling immigrants who seek a better life on American shores.

Amid euphoric applause from a swelling crowd that included his wife and sons, Romney was asked why he didn't voice these beliefs during his failed campaign.

"It never occurred to me that people might like me for who I am," he said.


Sunday, March 18, 2007

Picture from the new George W. Bush library

Actually, this is a picture from Building 40 at Walter Reed Army Hospital. A building where our bravest is supposed to be treated. This looks like a set from a horror movie. And the GOP claims this administration support the troops? Despicable!


Saturday, March 10, 2007

Priests to purify site after Bush visit

What a bitch-slap. Just f'ing beautiful.

GUATEMALA CITY --Mayan priests will purify a sacred archaeological site to eliminate "bad spirits" after President Bush visits next week, an official with close ties to the group said Thursday.

"That a person like (Bush), with the persecution of our migrant brothers in the United States, with the wars he has provoked, is going to walk in our sacred lands, is an offense for the Mayan people and their culture," Juan Tiney, the director of a Mayan nongovernmental organization with close ties to Mayan religious and political leaders, said Thursday.


Thursday, March 08, 2007

Just as long as it's popular in South Carolina, it's okay with Mitt

Mitt Romney just had a life-changing experience. While driving in a blizzard in Iowa, he literally saw the light, and will be giving up his Mormon religion for a true faith. He doesn't care much which one it is, "just as long as it's popular in South Carolina, it's okay with Mitt"

In this satirical op-ed in the Boston Globe, Scott Lehigh examines Mitt's transformation.

Although some political experts said Romney's conversion might strike some as expedient - polls have shown that some voters won't support a Mormon candidate - his campaign adviser insisted that most people simply won't care.

''Voters want to know that you're on their side, and what better way to demonstrate it than by joining their faiths?'' this person said. ''Besides, Mitt says he's hardly the first one to switch religions.''

Asked just who else he had in mind, the political adviser said he'd have to check. He called back some hours later to cite Henry of Navarre. Raised as a Protestant, Henry twice converted to Catholicism, the first time to save his life after the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre of 1572. Although he recanted those vows once the danger had passed, he converted again in 1593, this time to render himself acceptable as king to France's Catholic population. It was on that occasion he uttered the remark he is best known for: ''Paris is worth a mass.''

''It turns out since Mitt's days as a young man doing his Mormon mission in France, Henry of Navarre has been his great hero,'' the adviser noted..

''Other than Ronald Reagan, that is,'' he hastened to add.


Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Fire Rove's Ass

Libby has been found guilty. Big F'ing deal. We now know that Rove and other sr. white house officials disclosed the name of a covert CIA officer, one who was specifically tasked with monitoring nuclear proliferation. As a result, Valerie Plame's cover was blown, and people who helped her in the past (i.e. helped the USA) were put in harms way. This is the government that is fighting the war on terror? Please. Where is Bin Laden? Remember him? The man responsible for 3000 American deaths? We seem to have forgotten him completely. Only thing Bush and Cheney are fighting is democracy, and will stoop to any level necessary.

WASHINGTON --Campaigning in 2000, George Bush promised he would swear on the Bible to restore honor and dignity to a sullied White House and give it "one heck of scrubbing." The conviction of I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby gave the White House a scrubbing -- but not the one Bush had in mind.

The case laid bare the inner workings of a presidency under siege and the secretive world of Vice President Dick Cheney.

It showed the lengths to which Cheney went in early summer 2003 to discredit administration critic Joseph Wilson. The former ambassador's assertions had cast doubt on the administration's justification for having taken the country to war in Iraq. And the Libby case showed the president assisting Cheney in the leaked attacks on Wilson.


The White House refused to comment on the possibility that Bush would pardon Libby. He was the only one charged in the case, and he was not charged with deliberately disclosing Plame's identity, which can be a federal crime, but with lying to investivagators and a grand jury. Testimony showed there were other leakers, including adviser Karl Rove, former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer and former Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage.

The White House has never corrected the denials it issued in the fall of 2003 saying neither Rove nor Libby was involved in the leak of Plame's CIA identity. Political observers doubt any correction will be made.


Monday, February 19, 2007

It is spelled as P-A-N-D-E-R-I-N-G

Romney joined the NRA in August 06. First he was for gays, before he was against them. Then he was for abortion, before he was against it. Now we find out he was against guns, but now he is a card carrying gun-rights supporter.

Spokesman Kevin Madden said Romney did not join the NRA just to court gun owners, who are considered a force in Republican primary politics.

"He joined the NRA because, like millions of Americans, he supports the group's advocacy of the Second Amendment and its commitment to education programs promoting the safe use of firearms by law-abiding gun owners," Madden said.

Sure. We also fell off a turnip truck yesterday.


Sunday, January 28, 2007

Gosh, we violated the law and the US Constitution, but we stopped doing it now, so the prosecution of our crime is moot.

Lets pretend nothing ever happened, nothing to see here, move along.

The US government has filed a motion to drop the case the ACLU won in lower court against the government's warrantless wiretapping program. The government's appeal of that ruling will be heard on Wednesday, January 31 in front of the Sixth Circuit court of appeals. The feds argue that the case is now moot because they are now obtaining warrants from the FISA court, and furthermore President Bush did not renew the warrantless tapping program.

"There is no longer any appropriate basis for proceeding with this litigation, given both that the President has determined not to reauthorize the TSP, and that the central premise for plaintiffs' action---that any electronic surveillance that was being conducted was without court authorization—no longer exists. There is, therefore, no longer any live genuine controversy to adjudicate."

Turns out there's a Supreme Court precedent saying that if you were doing something illegal, get taken to court, and then stop the illegal activity, you're not off the hook. The feds argue in their petition that this precedent does not apply to them.