Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Fire Rove's Ass

Libby has been found guilty. Big F'ing deal. We now know that Rove and other sr. white house officials disclosed the name of a covert CIA officer, one who was specifically tasked with monitoring nuclear proliferation. As a result, Valerie Plame's cover was blown, and people who helped her in the past (i.e. helped the USA) were put in harms way. This is the government that is fighting the war on terror? Please. Where is Bin Laden? Remember him? The man responsible for 3000 American deaths? We seem to have forgotten him completely. Only thing Bush and Cheney are fighting is democracy, and will stoop to any level necessary.

WASHINGTON --Campaigning in 2000, George Bush promised he would swear on the Bible to restore honor and dignity to a sullied White House and give it "one heck of scrubbing." The conviction of I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby gave the White House a scrubbing -- but not the one Bush had in mind.

The case laid bare the inner workings of a presidency under siege and the secretive world of Vice President Dick Cheney.

It showed the lengths to which Cheney went in early summer 2003 to discredit administration critic Joseph Wilson. The former ambassador's assertions had cast doubt on the administration's justification for having taken the country to war in Iraq. And the Libby case showed the president assisting Cheney in the leaked attacks on Wilson.


The White House refused to comment on the possibility that Bush would pardon Libby. He was the only one charged in the case, and he was not charged with deliberately disclosing Plame's identity, which can be a federal crime, but with lying to investivagators and a grand jury. Testimony showed there were other leakers, including adviser Karl Rove, former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer and former Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage.

The White House has never corrected the denials it issued in the fall of 2003 saying neither Rove nor Libby was involved in the leak of Plame's CIA identity. Political observers doubt any correction will be made.

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