Sunday, November 26, 2006

Man's a visionary--been extending Prez power for years

Great article in the Boston Globe about the man behind the man, Dick "Deadeye" Cheney.

In July 1987, then-Representative Dick Cheney, the top Republican on the committee investigating the Iran-contra scandal, turned on his hearing room microphone and delivered, in his characteristically measured tone, a revolutionary claim.

President Reagan and his top aides, he asserted, were free to ignore a 1982 law at the center of the scandal. Known as the Boland Amendment, it banned US assistance to anti-Marxist militants in Nicaragua.

"I personally do not believe the Boland Amendment applied to the president, nor to his immediate staff," Cheney said.

Was he setting himself up for a future presidency, or a Veep-ship? Every school kid knows that congress is supposed to act as a check-and-balance against the presidency. This was amazingly sycophantic. I hope the current congress subpoenas the pants of this guy.

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