Friday, December 01, 2006

Prez hopeful Mitt Romney: Illegal aliens tended his gardens

Political ambition is a strange thing; and now a major case of "do what I say, not what I do" First he was for the gays before he was against them, and now the Boston Globe breaks a story that the landscaping company Mitt used employed illegal aliens. The whole country knowns illegals work in the landscaping business. And Mr. "700-mile fence" didn't think of checking once?

I think this campaign will collapse before it can begin.

As Governor Mitt Romney explores a presidential bid, he has grown outspoken
in his criticism of illegal immigration. But, for a decade, the governor has
used a landscaping company that relies heavily on workers like these,
Guatemalan immigrants, to maintain the grounds surrounding his pink
house on Marsh Street in Belmont.

The Globe recently interviewed four current and former employees of
Community Lawn Service with a Heart, the tiny Chelsea-based company that
provides upkeep of Romney's property. All but one said they were in the United
States illegally.


The worker in Copado said a state trooper stationed in Romney's driveway once
inquired about his immigration status, about six months ago. Saenz, the company
owner, who was at the property at the time, told the trooper that the worker was
in the country legally, but had forgotten his papers, the worker told the Globe.
The trooper never inquired again, said the worker, who repeatedly returned to
the governor's property but avoided the trooper. Saenz told reporters he did not
recall the incident.

Then there is an interesting twist. Did someone ask the trooper to not ask about this any more?

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