Friday, January 19, 2007

Payback's a bitch

Former Republican congressman from Ohio, and Jack Abramoff's puppet, Bob Ney, has been sentenced to 30 months in jail. This sentence is longer than what the prosecution recommended.

Bob Ney's sentence was longer than the prosecution had recommended, the judge said, because the former lawmaker had violated the public trust.

He will be on probation for two years after his term. He must pay a $6,000 (£3,000) fine and undergo counselling.

Ney had pleaded guilty to trading political favours for money and gifts.

He also admitted conspiracy and making false statements.

On Friday, he apologised to his family, friends and former constituents.

He reiterated his dependence on alcohol, saying he had battled "the demons of addiction".

Of course, poor man--its the alcohol's fault. And before I forget, he is also the idiot who renamed french fries to freedom fries.

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